Hazard classification: The most common way to classify hazards is in three groups namely A, b & C Hazards CLASS A, B AND C HAZARDS Hazards are classified as either A, B or C type Hazards. Examples: Class “A” Hazards: • It is a condition likely to cause permanent disability, loss of life or body part / extensive loss of property or disruptive property damage. • These hazards must be corrected immediately. If not the hazard must be isolated barricaded off immediately until permanent remedial actions can be taken. • All ‘A’ hazards must be reported to the Supervisor and/or Health and Safety Representative. Examples of ‘A’ class hazards: • Working under bad or unsupported hanging • Walking, standing or sitting in demarcated narrow travelling way when a loco is approaching ...
Safety, Health & Environment made for beginners or students and any interested person regarding Safety mostly focused on the MHSA (Mine Health & Safety Act No.29 of 1996) of SA. but not limited to mining.