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Showing posts with the label HEAT EXHAUSTION / HEAT STROKE


  HEAT EXHAUSTION: Heat exhaustion is a condition in which your body loses more fluids than it intakes. This might happen if you are exposed to hot conditions or engage in hard activity. When your body loses fluids, it is unable to cool itself as efficiently, and your body temperature rises.   This can result in symptoms like: Excessive perspiration Cool, pallid, clammy skin Fast, pounding heartbeat Muscle cramps Dizziness Nausea or vomiting   Headache Fainting   If you suspect you or someone else has heat exhaustion, get medical treatment immediately. Heat exhaustion can be dangerous, but it is typically curable. Treatment usually consists of relocating the individual to a cool environment, giving them water, and allowing them to relax. In rare situations, you may require hospitalization.   TIPS TO HELP PREVENT HEAT EXHAUSTION: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. Avoid strenuous activity during hot weather. Take break