OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES Section 29: Election and appointment of Representatives: a) Employees at a designated working place may elect from among themselves health and safety representatives. b) Employees at the mine may elect from among themselves any full-time Health and Safety Representative that may be agreed or determined in terms of the conditions contained in the Health and Safety Agreement. c) Elections referred to in (a) and (b) above must be conducted in the prescribed manner. d) Employees elected as Health and Safety Representatives must be appointed by the Employer as prescribed in the Health and Safety Agreement. Duration of Health and Safety Representative Appointment: a) Term of office of Health and Safety Representative (or alternate) will be two years. After being appointed, an H&S Rep (and his alternate) will remain in office, until: a) Te...
Safety, Health & Environment made for beginners or students and any interested person regarding Safety mostly focused on the MHSA (Mine Health & Safety Act No.29 of 1996) of SA. but not limited to mining.