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During a workplace disaster, such as a fire or an earthquake, an assembly point is a specified spot where personnel can meet to ensure that everyone is accounted for and to receive additional instructions. In the event of a workplace emergency

Disorder can raise additional safety concerns.


1) Assembly Area Requirements:

The primary purpose of an evacuation is to allow people to safely escape the emergency site and transport them to a more secure place known as the assembly area. 

If there is no pre-planned destination at the end of the evacuation, confusion, fear, and additional risks can occur. It could potentially put individuals in danger again, or worse, impede emergency response efforts. 

Keep in mind that not all areas around your business are judged safe for evacuees to occupy during an emergency procedure.

Here are some emergency assembly area requirements to guide you in picking the safest assembly area for your tenants and staff.

2) Distance and Accessibility

When selecting an assembly space, consider its proximity to the incident site as well as its size. 

The location should not be too close to the emergency site, but it should also not be too far away for strolling. It should be easily accessible and as close to the evacuation zone's boundaries as practicable. To prevent evacuees from being disoriented, the destination must be immediately identified by the population.

 It should make it easier for the emergency response team to gain access Safely.

One of the most critical emergency assembly area standards to meet is safety. Determine whether the location is safe for evacuees. Not only that, but you must also guarantee that the route to the gathering location poses no additional harm or risk to people.

 Is there anything in the way? 

Will the evacuees have to cross a bridge, stairs or a busy road to get to the assembly point? 

What about the venue's layout? 

Is it sturdy enough to accommodate the number of evacuees who are expected to utilize it as a temporary shelter? 

What about the facilities in the vicinity of the assembly area? 

Will they pose a threat to the evacuees? 

Should the location be open? 

3) Space

The Supervisor or person highest in rank will perform a Roll Call Attendance of evacuees at the assembly area. There are also basic first aid equipment available. As a result, the venue must be large enough to handle tenants, personnel, emergency reaction team members, and emergency response team equipment.



Emergency drills should be done at least every 3 months and recorded, that all employers and employees know the procedure also for new employees.


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