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MHSA (Mine Health and Safety Act No.29 of 1996 and regulations) INTRODUCTION




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 The full act on page 1 (next page)


[ASSENTED TO 30 MAY, 1996]  [DATE OF COMMENCEMENT: 15 JANUARY, 1997]  (Unless otherwise indicated)  (English text signed by the President)  This Act has been updated to Government Gazette 32226 dated 12 May, 2009.  

as amended by  Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act, No. 72 of 1997 

Skills Development Amendment Act, No. 31 of 2003 [with effect from 14 November, 2003]   


Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No. 28 of 2002  Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act, No. 74 of 2008  

Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act, No. 74 of 2008 (provisions mentioned below not yet proclaimed)   Proposed amendment by   Section to be amended   S. 16 of Act No. 74 of 2008   S. 50 of Act No. 29 of 1996   S. 26 of Act No. 74 of 2008   Inserts s. 86A in Act No. 29 of 1996     

GENERAL NOTE  In terms of s. 47 of Act No. 72 of 1997, the expressions in the principal Act are amended by-  (a) the substitution for the expression "Chief Inspector", of the expression "Chief Inspector of Mines";  (b) the substitution for the expression "Government Gazette", of the expression "Gazette";  (c) the substitution for the expressions "owner", "owner or an employer", "owner or manager", "owner or the employer", "owner, manager", "management" and "an owner or employer", of the expression "employer";  (d) the substitution for the expressions "owners" and "owners, employers and managers", of the expression "employers";  (e) the substitution for the expression "manager", except in sections 3 and 4, of the expression "employer";  ( f ) the substitution for the expression "a manager", except in sections 3 and 4, of the expression "an employer"; and  (g) the substitution for the expression "managers, ", except in sections 3 and 4 of the expression "employers, ".  In terms of s. 34 of Act No. 74 of 2008, the expressions in the principal Act are amended by-  (a) the substitution for the expression "permanent committee(s)", of the expression "committee(s)";  (b) the substitution for the expression "Minerals Act", of the expression "Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002".   





To provide for protection of the health and safety of employees and other persons at mines and, for that purpose- to promote a culture of health and safety;  To provide for the enforcement of health and safety measures; 

To provide for appropriate systems of employee, employer and State participation in health and safety matters; 

To establish representative tripartite institutions to review legislation, promote health and enhance properly targeted research; 

To provide for effective monitoring systems and inspections, investigations and inquiries to improve health and safety;  to promote training and human resources development; 

To regulate employers' and employees' duties to identify hazards and eliminate, control and minimise the risk to health and safety;  to entrench the right to refuse to work in dangerous conditions; and to give effect to the public international law obligations of the Republic relating to mining health and safety;  and to provide for matters connected therewith.  



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